Sunday, March 23, 2008


The corner stone of my faith. and my favorite verse is : He is not HERE, He has risen! I serve a risen Savior. His birth while glorious, and fulfilled the promised Messiah. If that baby boy never went to the cross, would have called 10,000 angels, would have said "Father, these horrible sinning, disgusting people aren't worth it". Who could have blamed Him. Not only did he bear our transgressions, die on a cross, he did not deserve. OUR SAVIOR rose from the grave, triumphant over sin & death, for us. He is Alive. We serve a risen Savior. The Son of the living God! Who loved me that much. Some times I scarcely can wrap my mind around it.


Anita said...

I'm thankful for what Jesus did for me! He is alive!

Anita said...
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