Monday, May 25, 2009

Peace & Quiet

My WONDERFUL HUSBAND surprised me with a weekend in my beloved mountains!
Sorry no pictures. Too lazy to raise the camera. I do have one of the flowers I put on my great grandparents grave, but I didn't think you'd be interested.
I don't think there is anything more relaxing than a nice, peaceful cabin in the woods. We did nothing, just nothing. I wish I could have read a book. But the Boy being 3 yrs old, needed to be watched at all times. Not conducive to reading a good book. But, sitting on the front porch, rocking & doing nothing for a few days is bliss. Shear bliss.
And I surprised dfacs* with arranging my own respite care for baby K. I'm sure I'll hear about it later.
"They" called Friday morning wanting me to take a 2 yr old. Then got upset when I said we were going away for the weekend. She said"Well, it seems everyone is leaving for the weekend".
Sorry Lady. We get to have a life too. I told her if she could get respite care til Monday I could take her, or permission to take her with us. Not good enough for her. She found a place for her, which is the important thing.
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend.


Lovingmyamazinglife said...

Sounds fun,I love living near the mountains,not so much driving through them,makes us a bit car sick.Glad you found respite,and were able to get away.

Kellie with an "ie" said...

A big thumbs up to your relaxing mini-vacation. It sounds like a little slice of heaven. You so deserve it!