Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring Has Finally Sprung or Kind of

All my newly planted bulbs are coming up! But who knows how long the blooms will last with the weather we are having. One day it was 82 and literally the next it was 40! We seem to be bouncing back and forth like that for the next few weeks.
The most exciting news around here is:   I have Chicks! and not just any ole chicks. They are Araucanas. Or Easter Egg chickens, because they lay colored eggs. Pink,green,blue. Oh, and 1 black duck named Daffy. I bet you can guess who weaseled a duck out of the deal.  I have NO idea how the duck is going to live in the run with the chickens. But right now he seems content to just be a chick in the brooder.

                                                       ( day old chicks)

                                                        ( Here at about 1 week old)

Chick sure grow quick! Everyday I go down to clean up the huge mess they make and you can literally see they've grown over night.


Kathleen said...

Awwww... Chicks are fun, and we enjoyed our Araucanas back when. So are ducks - but ducks are even stinkier and messier!


Kath said...

We have not had chicks in yeasr!! But we had French Silkies. Those tiny babies were sooo cute!

Thanks for bringing up fun memories!! I suspect there will be some fun stories about Daffy!