Monday, August 11, 2008


Have you seen or heard about this:

Go-- take a look & come back and tell me what you think. Good Idea? WHY? Bad Idea? WHY?

Don't be afraid to say what you really think. Keep it on anonymous if you want to.
I just want some honest feedback.


CanCan said...

Hmm. I have thought before if I would be willing to be a surrogate or not. I think I would for a friend or family member.
I guess it is a good idea to have a "system" like this. If I struggled with infertility and had the money, wouldn't I want someone to carry my baby?

Lovingmyamazinglife said...

I think it sounds badly described and written and theirs a ton of info left out of the article,to get shock value.I came across a show on a place like this in India,which was run under great conditions,the women were healthy,and happy to be helping.They had alot of rules,like the surrogate allready had to have one child of her own,to ward off attachment to the new baby.I only wish I could find someone who would surrogate for us,allthough I would prefer a women I knew and who was doing it for Godly reasons,not $$.I guess their are alot of people out their who get so desperate that they dont care if its a stranger or not.I have a feeling its not as easy to get a child as the article states,long wait list and governing rules probably make this quit an ordeal.On paper it sounds strange to me,I would want more info before I could judge the place.

Perri said...

Not really sure what I think of this. I guess it is a "service" of sorts and I imagine it will be well recieved, but what happens if a baby is born with something wrong with it? Do the parents have to go through with it? Is there going to be an orphanage full of children with birth defects or genetic disorders?

Overall -- I vote bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Hi, you don't know me but I came over from Anita's (Pewee) blog. I think, too, that the information wasn't presented in its entirety. I know well about the clinics in India that have sprouted up for the same reason and have been tempted to look further into it (since I'm struggling with infertility...3 years and counting, waiting for a domestic infant match). Anyway, the way I think about those is that for about $12K, the lower end of the cost of an IVF here in the states, you get the IVF, all the stimming, etc., plus someone who is more likely to be able to carry your child/ren for you. Is she doing it for money. Absolutely. BUT, the $4-$6K that she gets from doing it buys her a house for her family, puts her children through school for their full childhoods, and changes their whole quality of life (the money is managed very well to ensure it goes to bettering the surrogate's life and family). To me, it's one woman helping another woman and vice versa. Seems like a very worthy thing to do for the westerner in the diad, and there's a good chance an infertile couple can take home their baby. In the US, hiring a surrogate costs up to $70,000 ...way too much for most. If the situation in Poland is similar (and granted, it sounds like it's for only Polish couples), why not? The Indian program really helps those families; if a similar model is employed here, I don't have anything bad to say about it.

Liz said...

i have often thought of being a surragate, as a way to give a gift to someone. but i would want to know them. that is weird having it be so institutionalized, BUT i can imagine there are many that would prefer that.

AfricaBleu said...

I think any time the word "baby" and "factory" appear in the same sentence, there's trouble afoot. I think a better solution would be cheaper, easier adoptions for children around the world who need homes--a couple of people mentioned India--India is notorious for being almost impossible to adopt from, because of its rules and regulations (oftentimes due to religious issues). Yet when I was there, I was stunned and heartsick by all the street kids and orphans I saw. India has a reputation for high abortion rates, because of the population-control measures, and most times, those babies are girls. If adoptions were more readily available, those children could be allowed to live with families who would love them.

Anita said...

I only took the time to read the first few sentences. It makes me sort of sick. There are soo many orphans out there! I just don't know... Maybe when I have more time I'll read it through.

Mothering4Money said...

There are plenty of kids (in foster care, in orphanages, or homeless) already alive and needing a home, but that's just my opinion. I think the article left out some important details that are needed to form a fully educated reply. It is interesting though.