Friday, June 23, 2006

You know it's hot in Georgia when....

You KNOW it's hot in Ga. when the kudzu is dieing in JUNE! Hot and dry, dry, dry!
I love kudzu. it is beautiful. Of course my husband thinks I'm crazy, but so what?
Kudzu is a lovely toparary, I know I spelled that wrong, how about a nice leafy covering of all it comes in contact with. an abandoned car, a phone pole, a hill of Georgia clay. It all becomes a loverly kudzu covered piece of art work.
So needless to say it breaks my heart to see the heat and draught kill my beautiful kudzu. It looks so sad, all droopy and brown this time of year. It should be working on putting forth it's most beautiful and plentiful purple flowers that I think smells like grape bubblegum but my uncooth husband says smells like the urinal cakes they put in men's restrooms. I'll just have to take his word on that one.
It is so unnatural to see kudzu dieing this time of year...........I thing I will go water the state of GA. wait we have a water ban.
come back little kudzu

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A blogging failure

I am so sad :(
I am a blogging failure.
I love yellow mama, she so funny & hits this walk with Christ thing right on & she can spell.
I luvvvvvv Joshilyn Jackson, soo articulate, funny, writes great books.
Natalie collins is great too, a little pregnant is hularious, pith, marrow & coffe spoons makes me laugh & she too can spell.
Why oh Why is my life so boring, at the very least I could articulate the boringness of my life, but NOOOOOOOO.
I need a writing class
and a more adventursome life.....................and spell check